The rise of digital detox retreats
In our increasingly connected world, it is virtually impossible to completely switch off from work and other daily stressors – even when we are on holiday.
How can we truly appreciate a beautiful sunset if we are fretting over taking the perfect reel, or enjoy time in nature if we are checking our emails on the sly (even if we are forcing ourselves not to reply)?
But disconnecting from digital devices improves our quality of life; it has been proven to benefit our minds, bodies, and relationships in many ways. Today, digital detox retreats do rise up around the world to help people take a break from technology and reconnect with the present moment.

What are Digital Detox Retreats?
As much as we might like the idea of switching off, it is far from easy in reality. We spend a huge proportion of our days in front of screens. Our devices are addictive and we have become reliant on them for everything from getting in contact with loved ones to telling the time.
It’s hardly surprising that we find it so difficult to disconnect when our phones and all their functions, including email, social media, streaming services and banking apps, are within reach 24/7. When we make a decision to minimise time on our phones for the duration of a holiday, it rarely works out the way we envisage.
Switching off, even temporarily, is no small task – but it is hugely worthwhile. And that is where digital detox retreats come into their own. These holiday destinations, often nestled among nature, take away the option of spending time looking at screens.
Visitors’ phones, tablets and laptops are confiscated when they check in and the rooms are typically technology-free. With digital distractions removed entirely, visitors are free to spend time relaxing, focusing on their health and relationships, and re-connecting with the natural world.
What are the benefits of Digital Detoxing?
Digital detoxing benefits our health and well-being in three main areas: mental health and performance, physical health, and social well-being. Taking time away from our screens has been proven to improve each of these vital areas, and while most scientific studies involve longer periods than a few days at a digital detox retreat, a retreat is surely a great place to start.
Benefits for the brain
The effects of digital detoxing on our mental well-being are considerable. In the digital era, we are constantly bombarded with information and stimuli. Even the simple act of having your phone in the same room as you when you sleep has been shown to reduce sleep quality – your brain remains more active knowing that you might get a notification during the night.
Reducing screen time has been proven to reduce stress, anxiety and depression, as well as improve cognitive function and sleep quality. Removing our devices removes distraction; despite their reputation as sources of inspiration, taking our devices away has been shown to foster creative thinking and innovation.

Benefits for physical health
Eye strain, headaches and neck and back pain are common side effects of screen time. Even without the other side effects, the simple act of sitting in front of a screen has negative effects on our physical health, since it almost always encourages sedentary behaviour.
When we remove the option of watching TV, working at our computers or scrolling through social media, we break the confines of our screens. Often, removing the devices encourages people to spend more time being active; whether that’s through taking walks in nature, doing yoga at home or trying a new outdoor activity. In the long run, that shift in activity levels can be hugely beneficial for our physical health.
Benefits for relationships
Digital detoxing can be beneficial for our quality of life – not just our physical and mental well-being. We are a social species and deep connection is vital to our well-being; while social media and communications apps might give us the sense that we are better connected with our friends and family, the truth is much less encouraging.
We don’t get the same feelings of connection and satisfaction in relationships through online communications. Reducing our screen time and taking the time to engage with loved ones in person is much more beneficial for our social well-being.
Top tips for unplugging
- Fill the time with something you love: if you are minimising the amount of time you spend watching TV, for example, what will you do instead? Choose something that is good for your physical, mental or social well-being to benefit most from your digital detox
- Don’t give up at the first hurdle: be kind to yourself and re-evaluate your plan if you are finding it difficult to stick to; ask yourself how you could make the journey easier, remove the temptations or make alternative behaviours more appealing
- Don’t go too extreme too soon: to create lasting habits, we have to start small and build on them gradually
- Track your progress: stay on track and celebrate your achievements by keeping a written record of your digital detox; don’t just write the number of hours you have spent looking at a screen, but analyse how it made you feel and what benefits it brought to your day
- Create a plan: work out precisely which elements of your digital habits you would like to reduce or eliminate and set specific boundaries, like time limits or device-free parts of your home
- Consider potential challenges along the way: what situations might make it difficult to stick to your plan, and how will you overcome the urge to switch back on?
Digital detox practice in everyday life
Your digital detox doesn’t need to stop at the end of a retreat. Integrate some of the changes into your day-to-day life to gain the most from your detox. A detox retreat might have involved jumping in at the deep end and switching everything off for the duration of the getaway, but to implement changes in the long run, you must begin by evaluating your relationship with technology.
Ask yourself: Where do your devices bring you genuine value and contribute positively to your life? Which elements detract value from your life? Which elements can you replace with a less tempting and distracting alternative?

Reconnect the right way
Reducing screen time is hard. After all, our devices are seriously addictive. But it is a truly worthwhile endeavour; the benefits of a sustained digital detox on our physical, mental and social well-being are undeniable.
Digital detox retreats are an increasingly popular option for those who spend their lives looking at screens. They provide safe, dedicated spaces to switch off and remove the distraction of devices entirely, offering the opportunity to reconnect with yourself, your loved ones and the natural world.
Continuing with some of the behaviours from your digital detox in the long run will allow you to fully benefit from the experience and carry those health perks into your day-to-day life. Just remember to start with small, achievable changes to ensure your plan is sustainable!
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